Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Rejoice! Celebrate! Boogie!

A wise man once said - Sometimes, departing from usual practise, happiness comes in the smallest, black, sexy packages. And when we find ourselves so blessed, i.e. we're happy and we know it, we find ourselves duty-bound (since nursery days) to clap our hands, click our fingers, and/or do other things I regretfully forget. This is such a time. Ladies and gentlemen, its the time to dhinkichiki! So howl and holler in your abominable manner. Grab your partners and do a great song and dance fooooorr....iPod!

The iPod has returned to its master! Me, that is! So yay! Celebrations were held, and euphoria is being expressed in joyous leaps and bounds around the house even now. Kashmir was chosen as the inaugural song to usher in the new battery. Things are running smoothly since.

In other fantastic, rousing-cheers-and-thump-in-the-back good news type, I bought my first electric guitar yesterday! Black hotbod, white in the bridge, and a wooden neck. It simply rocketh, ladies and gentlemen. Would put up a snap, but I'm lazy and cant be bothered. I'm hoping that my elaborate, single-sentence description shall suffice.

So now, I have both guitar and iPod! Both! Both! Understand, both? Both! I is most happy and pleased with life.

Kashmir has started playing again, so depart now we must. Shall I leave you with something deep to ponder over? Sure thing? Cool.

Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face, stars to fill my dreams.

I am a traveller of both time and space, to be where I have been.

- Kashmir, Led Zeppelin.


Anju Christine said...

nice to c things in small packages still makin ppl happy:) i jus hope ur happiness also goes beyond the ipods n guitars tho...

kyra said...

kashmir was the first led zepp song i heard. uh oh, a lot of unwanted thoughts are starting to creep in.
so. anyway, your ipod's back? good for you.

Confused n Baffled said...

@anju: yes they do! and no it doesnt! yay for utter shallowness, superficiality and the joys of being eternally bound in materialism! woohoo!

@kyra: first, eh? it takes some amount of time to really appreciate it, isnt it? heard the one called 'going to california'? or 'thank you'? try 'em.

kyra said...

yeah it did take some time to appreciate it. a long time, in fact. i've heard going to california.

Confused n Baffled said...

@rodrigo: i couldnt have put it better myself.

Anju Christine said...

i said nothin of that sort... it's alrite, maybe dis is a time of misunderstandings...

rainbeau_peep said...

shutteth thyself up, o haver of good things.
i shall lift my spirits by assuming you can't play a single chord. :-D

Confused n Baffled said...

@anju: aaah...alrightey.

@rainbeau: and i, forever the gentleman, shall play along so you dont feel too bad. *plays a wrong D major* damn!