Ah yes. Our flight got cancelled, they brought us back from midway. And we've been sitting here since morning now.
Aaah okay. I shift you to Business Class. That good?
Yes! Please!
Some things in life money can't buy. Not when you're not earning yet.
Ticket from Amsterdam to Mumbai which got cancelled: Rs. 20000.
Waiting at the Airport munching on McDonalds: Rs. 650.
Being re-routed on the evening flight on World Business Class: Priceless.
And I'll tell you why...

[The M button is for Massage.]
The wordspill entry got me here, you're quite a refreshing read :D
come right in! find yourself a cushion or a stool or something. i'll get igor to make some coffee. regular storytelling will resume in a short while.
Bags I the rickety rocking chair by the fireplace.
You're an xkcd fan, too?
(roasted Batwings go very well with Igor's coffee. Mind if I bring some along?)
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