I have the most beautiful sunrise just outside my window. Thats what wakes me up every morning, in tag-team action with our laziness to go and buy some decent curtains. I always wake up exactly 16 seconds before my alarm begins jumping about. But oh, the hurried process for going through morning essentials, grabbing half a paratha of breakfast and getting into class safe and sound!
I miss the wonderfully blue early morning sky all too often. I missed it today too. But then I just noticed these old snaps my roomie took of the sunrise some months back. This was when we still gazed at such things with wonder and with a staunch belief that no one could possibly get used to such a sight. On some rare days, we still notice it. And it touches a chord. It makes me happy to smile at it. Feels like I'm still human after all.
What life is this so full of care? We dont have time to stand and stare. - Thomas Hardy
Awwww. Takes your breath away doesnt it?
you haven't changed it!!
i stopped appreciating sunsets long ago...its overdone... like some music... i love d sun yet tho......................... dese posts r diff.. nice....:)
Its gorgeous! :) Great view and great post!
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