Saturday, February 03, 2007

In Response

As I was tagged, so do I comply.


I am thinking about...

Something vitally important to the universe. Now look what you've done. Come and spoilt it all with your questions. It will change everything when I remember again what it was. Everything. Every.

I said...

Too many things too late. And then I had to suffer a bit. But by celestial reservations, into each life some rain must fall and all that. So its okay.

*marvels at his ability to insert just a couple of lines of sentimentally profound baloney every other post or so, and convince the chidden mass of a deeper, graver side to him*

*marvels at his remarkable talent to spoil it all by not being able to keep things to himself*

I am...

Who I am, for once. And that is more than most people can really declare.

I want to...

Break free! Dhik chik dhik chik dhik chik dhik - Freddie Mercury

I make with my hands...

Bread and butter. Or jam.

Even sandcastles in the air sometimes. Damn those little kids, they keep jumping on them. Jealousy and corruption is ruining the world, I tell you. My creative energy is squandered in repeatedly abetting such follies of erring humanity. They know I'm talking to them. Curb it now! *directs a strong, steely gaze of such intensity at their computer screens that they feel his wrath even through the ridiculously delicate bandwidth of his internet connection and sink deeper into their cold thrones, their swivel chairs*

I wish...

To once just get away with something outrageous. I wish to not be caught at it, or exposed before it, or apprehended immediately afterwards.

I wish to be able to control my giggling.

I cry...

Aaaah, never mind. Only when I'm really helpless. And I cant even find my iPod.

I hear...

The Rain Song - Led Zeppelin.

Birds outside, the fan whirring above, and my fingers falling lightly on the laptop keys.

I wonder...

How so many people exist, without passions, self-joy, and the eagerness for another day of 24 hours of it all.

How depression comes about. When there is a sun smiling every morning. When there are birds, and blue skies and the full moon (obviously not together). When there is Led Zeppelin.

I regret...

Nothing henceforth. Promise. In fact, just to convey my level of seriousness, pinky promise.

I confuse...

Others with what is simple to me. And myself with what they call obvious.

I dance...

When I try to wriggle into my old 30" waist jeans.

When there is a mirror and no one watching.

I sing...

To chase off crows and permanently scar the childhood of little kids. Come join me now. Muhahahaha! Muaahahaha! *evil laugh*

I am not always...

Silly and ridiculous. Sometimes I'm funny. Sometimes I make sense. And sometimes I dont talk. I can even play pictionary.

I write...

For my own happiness and well-being. It keeps me functioning somewhat normally, and I am constantly reminded of the one individual creation I have.

I'm glad so many people care about it.

I need...

To know what I love. So I can pledge my life to something. Give me something worth fighting for, and I will start a war.

To play Hotel California. Full and without stupid mistakes and wrong chords.

A Corn'n'Peas Subway. Its been too long without! I shall go today.


I shall not tag anyone this time. Class over kiddies, and no homework this time. Go.

*shouting and squealing for joy the little dumbnuts run out the door, falling all over the floor and embarrassing themselves and others*


Anju Christine said...


Anju Christine said...

did i evr tell u i hate u?.....

Confused n Baffled said...

@anju: yes you have indicated your feelings all too often. i love you too.

Zee said...

"I want to...

Break free! Dhik chik dhik chik dhik chik dhik - Freddie Mercury"

which version is this? the dhik chik dhik chik? :)

Revealed said...

And so am I always misunderstood and put upon. So it goes *sigh*. Here I was, trying to Save the World, and Benefit All of Mankind, and you cast your evli allegations and slanderous words at me *double sigh (which is a sigh with twice the intensity of the previous one)*

naba said...
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naba said...

hey 'my future roommate'!!!! i have finally decided to read your blog spot(you can cut short your thank you's)....nice work... i really appreciate it... bloggers seem to use a totally different level of english which is beyond my understanding(i'm not the one with a creative mind!!) am pretty sure a hell lot of girls are getting impressed. lastly nishant get over led zepplin.... can't bear that music(if you call it music) in our room.

Confused n Baffled said...

@zee: tsk tsk..listen to the beats. listen to the beats.

@revealed: evil allegations, you say?? slanderous words, you call them?? easy. your grey hairs and my honorary flaffeehood protects you. or else, dot! dot! dot!

@nabarun: tis not about girls getting impressed oh future roomie. for that is another matter. this is to impress solely myself. and dont you worry, soon enough you shall be jumping on the ledzep bandwagon.

Anonymous said...

dunno y.. but suddenly remembered u today and missed ur company... :)
* gives abittersweet smile reminiscent of old days.. *